My sis and I are back at it again, just like when we were kids. 🎄 Back then, we’d knock on strangers’ doors, sing carols, and in return, we’d get some money and lots of candies. Sweet times!:)
We still sing carols, but the times are different today. Many of my Ukrainian friends are on the front lines, ensuring my family’s safety. Missilies come daily, there are 1200km of frontlines, and ~fifth of Ukrainian territory is occupied by russia.
You can join us in keeping Ukrainian traditions alive by supporting our troops. My closest friend @v_stel is collecting donations for the military unit in Bakhmut and we will appreciate your help a ton. Consider it a modern twist on an old tradition – monetary support in exchange for our heartfelt carols!:)
“Small” donations do not exist!
As little as 5$ will help!🙂
Here is another carol from my badass lawyer friend Vita (works in the ministry of defense dang!!!) who is going to take care of $$.
[Vita’s instagram:](
Vita’s instagram: